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Taking zoloft pristiq together *** Xanax overdose: How much amount of Xanax to OD?

Taking zoloft pristiq together

Interesting — but as you will admit these withdrawal symptoms can be quite individual especially for different drugs and when you are going through them they can make you quite alone and finding a regime that works takes some time and effort. Will post back later with more observations TJ Nelson Thanks for the update! Each individual will be different. Sometimes you can get the withdrawals to a minimum and then it just takes time.

SSRIs can even mess with the dopamine system as well. I survived yesterdays tremors and had a reasonable day with some head buzzing, tinnintus, saw my psychchologist. Used Jarrow 5HTP 50mg once in afternoon once in evening. I work away from home during the week. No problem falling asleep — just a fitful dream filled night with some mild anxiety — Ive had this since before stopping Prozac — and one of the reasons I want to stop is to sleep better.

The worst bit of the night was a feeling of sleep paralysis — I get morning anxiety on waking for a hour or so — so perhpas light sleep was mixed up with that. So here I am awake and typing and not doing too bad thus far. Still using min dose 50mg in Mid afternnoon and evening — not sure its maknig much of an impact- maybe a small one.

I might bang it up to mg today and see if it makes a difference. Have got some now L-Tryptophan ready in reserve again at your recommendation. Off to office shortly so Ill post some more later. TJ Nelson Love the updates! Have you seen my sleep post also? Insomnia destroys the soul: I felt a calm yesterday that I cant remember feeling for a long time. Next time just go to calm. It will keep your calmness intact: Day 20 — no Prozac.

Anyway didnt post yesterday. So I have upped the 5htp too mg mid afternoon and bed time. Still not sure if 5HTP actually having any affect — what effect t is it supposed to be anyway? I have had some symptoms of what could be withdrawal over the last few days. Some tinnitus, some peculiar buzzy headed feelings, also nervousness and agitation, irritability, and sort of tic-like reactions — nose twitches.

Some of this will just be noticing it because I am monitoring myself. The buzzy headed feeling is familiar from coming offing Effexor as I mentioned above — but nowhere near as intense — I think it was much more zappy withdrawing from the Effexor. When I say minor — it feels minor to me ATM- to you it may be different. This is Day 20 — so out of interest I calculated the probable blood serum levels of the major metabolites of the Prozac.

Fluoxetine — days. That gives a range of around Thanks for the calm. Nothing there — inner ear infection — labyrinthitis, anxiety etc. I still get this and its a bit more intense at the moment, but am sort of used to it — tends to happen when I am sat in the chair at work — I actually had an episode a few minutes it probably is tension or similar with me and the withdrawal is just making me tense enough to exacerbate it.

TJ Nelson Thanks for all your sharing! Maybe Kristi can tune in more about the delay in vision when turning your head. As far as your comment earlier, when weaning off of antidepressants 5-HTP can help you feel less of the withdrawal symptoms and start to allow your brain to actually produce more serotonin.

You should feel more relief when taking it and less pain. Further down the line, it will give you more feelings of security, self-esteem, etc. Day 23 off Prozac projected drug blood serum remaining Always talk with your health care provider before beginning to take over-the-counter supplements so that it can be determined if the supplement is appropriate for you.

Jen Marsico RPh Q: I experienced a 25 pounds weight gain in 18 months. I stopped taking it 4 weeks ago, but I feel like my metabolism has been affected by this. I am watching what I eat and working out, but the weight is just not coming off.

Can metabolism be affected after stopping the medication? According to the package insert for Prozac fluoxetine , the drug has a long elimination half-live, which means that it takes a long time for the drug to be eliminated from your body. Even when dosing is stopped, active drug substance stays in the body for weeks. The amount depends on individual patient characteristics, previous dosing regimen, and length of previous therapy at the time the drug is stopped.

Your basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy your body burns at rest. One effective way to influence metabolism is through exercise. You are encouraged to report any negative side effects of prescription drugs to your health care practitioner and the Food and Drug Administration FDA by visiting www. I was diagnosed with depression in January , and my doctor put me on Prozac. I've read about Prozac's long-term weight gain as a major side effect of the drug. I am concerned because I have been struggling with an eating disorder for 5 years now and am considering weaning myself off of the drug if it will inevitably lead to weight gain.

What do you advise? The most widely used depression medications on the market are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors SNRIs.

These drugs have become widely prescribed because their side effects are limited. However, they still do have some side effects. Weight gain can be a common side effect of both of these classes of drugs. However, patients may react differently to different medications within these classes.

If side effects, like weight gain, occur and become an issue for you, it sometimes helps to switch medications. Make sure your health care provider is aware of your medical history, including the eating disorder.

Consult your health care provider if weight gain occurs to see if switching medications is appropriate for you. Available SSRIs, which affect serotonin, include paroxetine Paxil , fluoxetine Prozac , fluvoxamine Luvox , sertraline Zoloft , escitalopram Lexapro , and citalopram Celexa ; SNRIs, which affect serotonin and norepinephrine, include venlafaxine Effexor , duloxetine Cymbalta , and mirtazapine Remeron.

Do not stop or change the amount of medication you take without talking to your health care provider first. Suddenly stopping Prozac can lead to serious withdrawal side effects.

Stopping Prozac should only be done under the supervision of a physician who can guide you in tapering the dose. Sarah Lewis, PharmD Q: What is the best way to stop taking Prozac 40 mg a day? You would want to work with your physician to come up with a gradual tapering of the dose over time to discontinue this medication. An abrupt cessation of Prozac fluoxetine may cause a discontinuation syndrome including headache, lethargy, GI upset, insomnia, nightmares, dizziness, vertigo, tremor, agitation, anxiety, irritability, and confusion.

Have you heard of Prozac being prescribed for menstrual migraines? Although menstrual migraine is not an FDA-approved indication for Prozac fluoxetine , it is sometimes prescribed for menstrual migraines. Prozac is approved for premenstrual dysphoric disorder PMDD. Headaches are a symptom of PMDD.

PMDD symptoms typically occur after the middle of a monthly cycle after ovulation and usually gets worse during the week before menses. Prozac can be an effective headache prevention between ovulation and menses. If migraines continue to break through even while on Prozac, the dose can be increased right before menstruation.

Dosing will have to be determined by a doctor and it is always good to speak with your health care provider regarding any concerns that you may have. When I first started taking Prozac, I lost my appetite. Now it seems like I'm always starving. Could this possibly be the medication? Weight loss is listed as a common reaction to or side effect from taking-Prozac fluoxetine. Side effects can be patient specific. Check with your doctor before making any changes to your drugs or doses.

Click on the following link for additional information: Does Prozac make you gain weight? Anorexia poor appetite has been reported in 4 percent to 17 percent of patients studied during clinical trials.

Weight loss has also been reported at 2 percent and increased appetite, weight gain and taste perversion have also been reported. Increases in appetite could be a factor in patients that notice weight gain while being on Prozac. However, please keep in mind that there are many causes for weight gain besides possible side effects from medications. As always, talk with your health care provider regarding questions you have about your medications and associated side effects.

If you are trying to lose weight, the attached link will provide valuable information from Everyday Health regarding weight loss: Jen Marsico, RPh Q: My doctor increased my dosage of Prozac. Since then, I have been having trouble staying awake in the afternoon, especially after lunch. Could this extra Prozac be causing this? You are probably correct on this one. One of the side effects of Prozac is drowsiness and so this may be what is causing you to be tired in the afternoon.

For some people, this effect does go away after a period of time until the drug levels become more level in the body. If this is too bothersome for you, try speaking with your doctor to see if you can switch medications or if there is some other recommendation they may have. Will taking Prozac cause me to gain weight and be hungry all the time? Prozac fluoxetine can have an affect on weight changes. If you see an abnormal changes in your weight then you should talk to your Health Care Provider.

All the drugs in this class can have weight change side effects. Each one may affect each person differently. You should discuss this with your provider before taking.. Could taking Prozac cause me to have a delay in speaking or stutter at all? Prozac fluoxetine does list a change in speech and stuttering as possible side effects. If you are experiencing this side effect, and it is not tolerable, you may want to consult your doctor to see if an alternative medication may be better for you.

There are many antidepressants available, and some work better than others for people. If you would like more information on depression and medications, please visit our links at: Patti Brown, PharmD Q: Currently I take Prozac and Abilify. Then I take Centrum and sometimes fish oil and vitamin E oil.

Is this a safe combination? Prozac fluoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor SSRI approved for the treatment of major depression including pediatric depression , obsessive-compulsive disorder in both adult and pediatric populations , bulimia nervosa, panic disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Abilify aripiprazole is an atypical antipsychotic and antidepressant used in the treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and clinical depression. Generally speaking, drug interactions fall into three main categories: Drug-disease interactions may occur when an existing medical condition makes certain drugs potentially harmful.

With Abilify and Prozac, the concomitant use of two or more drugs that have the potential to depress CNS function either as a therapeutic intention or a side effect is often clinically appropriate. However, it is important to recognize that the risk of unwanted effects may increase with such use.

For more detailed information, consult with your physician or pharmacist for guidance based on your specific condition and current medications, particularly before taking any action.

What is the difference between Prozac and Zoloft? Prozac fluoxetine and Zoloft sertraline are both antidepressants classified in the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor SSRI class. Prozac and Zoloft are approved for the treatment of major depression including pediatric depression , obsessive-compulsive disorder in both adult and pediatric populations , bulimia nervosa, panic disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

Evidence suggests that Zoloft sertraline may work better than Prozac fluoxetine for some subtypes of depression. Side effects common to both are nausea, ejaculation failure, insomnia, diarrhea, dry mouth, somnolence, dizziness, tremor and decreased libido. For any immediate concerns, consult your physician. Joseph Hall, RPh Q: I am depressed, on Prozac now 4 weeks at 20 mg and 2 weeks at 40mg. How long for it to reach its potential?

Prozac affects the chemicals in the brain that become unbalanced and cause depression, anxiety, and obsessive compulsive symptoms. It may take at least 4 to 6 weeks for the medication to start working.

Do not stop taking the Prozac abruptly without first talking to the doctor because this could cause unwanted side effects. Common side effects of Prozac include headache, nausea, insomnia, drowsiness, dry mouth, diarrhea. Kimberly Hotz, PharmD Q: I have been taking 20mg of Prozac and now I am advised to take half that dosage of Zoloft. What mg of Zoloft is equal to 10 mg of Prozac? Prozac fluoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor SSRI antidepressant.

Prozac is FDA approved for use in major depressive disorder, bulimia nervosa, obsessive compulsive disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, panic disorder and bipolar disorder. Zoloft sertraline is also a SSRI antidepressant. Zoloft is FDA approved for treatment of major depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and social anxiety disorder.

The lowest dose of Prozac that is available in capsules is 10mg. The lowest dose of Zoloft that is available in tablets is 25mg. Laura Cable, PharmD Q: How do I get off Prozac? Consult with your doctor about how to safely discontinue Prozac. When your doctor prescribes a new medication, be sure to discuss all your prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs, including dietary supplements, vitamins, botanicals, minerals and herbals, as well as foods you eat.

Always keep a current list of the drugs and supplements you take and review it with your healthcare providers and your pharmacist. If possible, use one pharmacy for all your prescriptions and over-the-counter products. This allows your pharmacist to keep a complete record of all your prescription drugs and advise you about drug interactions and side effects.

For more specific information or if you have concerns about the Prozac not working effectively, consult with your doctor or pharmacist for guidance based on your health status and current medications, particularly before taking any action.

I take Prozac and wonder if I can also take passion flower for stress and anxiety. Will there be an interaction between this and the Prozac? Keep in mind that patients may react differently to different medications within these classes. If side effects, like weight gain, become bothersome, it sometimes helps to switch medications. Consult your health care provider for specific recommendations. For more specific information, consult with your doctor or local pharmacist for guidance based on your health status and current medications.

Sarah Lewis, RPh Q: Will Zoloft make me gain weight? Zoloft sertraline is a medication that is used to treat depression or anxiety. It is in a group of medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs that work to balance out the chemical, serotonin, in the brain that causes depression symptoms when there is too little to go around. The prescribing information lists weight gain as a side effect of this medication. The occurrence of weight gain was not common during clinical studies of the medication, seen in 1 percent of patients taking Zoloft.

If you are noticing an unexplained weight gain with Zoloft it would be best to consult with your physician as to the best way to handle this side effect. For more information on Zoloft, click on this link: I am withdrawing from Zoloft mg after years of taking it.

I have been without it for four days and I feel dizzy. Zoloft sertraline is classified as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor SSRI. According to medical references, Zoloft has warnings associated with withdrawal syndrome. It is recommended that Zoloft should be gradually tapered down when discontinuing the medication. If intolerable symptoms occur after stopping the medication, the recommendation is made for the physician to consider resuming the previous dosage and then begin a more gradual taper.

All dosing and tapering of dosages should only be done as directed by your physician. Signs and symptoms of withdrawal syndrome include: Can hair fall out when taking Zoloft?

Zoloft sertraline is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor SSRI antidepressant used to treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and social anxiety disorder.

The most common side effects with Zoloft are dizziness, fatigue, headache, decreased libido, nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth. Alopecia hair loss was reported as an infrequent side effect with Zoloft. This is not a complete list of the side effects associated with Zoloft.

When your doctor prescribes a new medication, be sure to discuss all your prescription and over-the-counter drugs, including dietary supplements, vitamins, botanicals, minerals, and herbals, as well as the foods you eat.

Always keep a current list of the drugs and supplements you take and review it with your health care providers and your pharmacist. If possible, use one pharmacy for all your prescription medications and over-the-counter products. This allows your pharmacist to keep a complete record of all your prescription drugs and to advise you about drug interactions and side effects. Tell your health care provider about any negative side effects from prescription drugs.

You can also report them to the U. Food and Drug Administration by visiting www. Laura Cable, PharmD Q: Why do I have bad dreams every time I start a new course of Zoloft but then it tapers off? Zoloft is indicated for depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, anxiety, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder PMDD. Common side effects of Zoloft include drowsiness, nausea, dry mouth, sleep problems, and changes in weight and appetite.

A search of prescribing information did not specifically list abnormal dreams as a side effect of zoloft. What's the safest way to stop taking Zoloft? I'm not sure it's working, and the sweating is driving me crazy. Zoloft sertraline is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressant used to treat depression and other conditions as prescribed by your doctor.

It is important to remember that it can take up to 6 weeks to see the full effects of the medication so it is best not to judge its effectiveness before this time. Discontinuation or withdrawal symptoms can occur with abrupt discontinuation of Zoloft. These symptoms can include change in mood, irritability, agitation, confusion, anxiety and insomnia.

It is important to avoid abrupt discontinuation. The package information for Zoloft recommended tapering the dose slowly by gradually decreasing the dose before stopping the medication. Your doctor can advise you on a tapering schedule. Zoloft sertraline is an antidepressant that is used in the treatment of depression, panic disorder, anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder OCD , post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD , and pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder PMDD.

Weight gain or changes in appetite are a side effect that occurs with the use of sertraline. Does Zoloft cause bloating and weight gain? According to medical references, the most common gastrointestinal side effects associated with Zoloft include: Other reported gastrointestinal side effects include decreased appetite, constipation, upset stomach, flatulence, vomiting and weight gain. The feeling of bloatedness can be associated with some of these possible side effects. These are not all of the possible side effects associated with Zoloft.

If you think that you are experiencing a side effect from your medication, talk with your physician. Do not stop taking or change the dose of your medication without first talking to your physician.

If I don't see a difference with Zoloft should I go off of it? There is a possibility that the medication may be helping you, but you don't realize it. Sometimes patients stop their antidepressants, and then realize that it was actually helping them. However, if you feel as though it is not working, then you, along with your doctor, may need to consider a different dosage of Zoloft sertraline or treatment with a different antidepressant.

One very important thing about Zoloft is that it should not be discontinued abruptly and no medication should be stopped without the permission and guidance from your health care provider.

For additional information regarding depression: I am on Zoloft and have trouble sleeping. Will drinking wine make me more depressed? There is no drug interaction between alcohol and Zoloft. Side effects to alcohol include: This is not a complete list of side effects. Alcohol can cause impaired judgment, alertness, and sleeping problems. Talk to your doctor about your concerns with Zoloft and alcohol.

Do not start or stop any medications or treatments without first talking to your doctor. I believe you will find the following links at everydayhealth.

Jennifer Carey, PharmD Q: Can Zoloft cause headaches and joint issues? Zoloft sertraline belongs to the group of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs. Zoloft is used for the treatment of depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders. According to the package insert, the most common side effects of Zoloft are nausea, diarrhea, insomnia, dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, and tremor. Headache, muscle pain, muscle weakness, and joint pain have all been reported in patients taking Zoloft.

I have recently started taking sertraline. I am worried about the side effects. Is there weight gain? And does it affect a person's sex drive?

According to Lexi-Comp, sertraline Zoloft does have possible adverse effects that could affect weight. The listed adverse effects of sertraline involving weight include anorexia, increased appetite and weight gain. Decreased libido sexual desire has also been reported in greater than 10 percent of patients taking sertraline during clinical trials. As always, talk with your health care provider regarding concerns you have about your medication and possible side effects. I've been prescribed Zoloft generic version for depression.

I'm also 33 weeks pregnant. Is it safe for me to take this drug for the rest of my pregnancy? Zoloft sertraline is a pregnancy category C medicine, meaning that the medication could potentially cause harm to your unborn child.

This is especially true during the third trimester of pregnancy. A health care provider may still prescribe a pregnancy category C medicine to a pregnant woman if he or she believes that the benefits to the woman outweigh the possible risks to the unborn child. Also, babies exposed to Zoloft late during pregnancy are at increased risk for developing persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn PPHN.

PPHN is associated with significant complications and even death. It's possible that your physician may recommend reducing your dosage, or weaning you off Zoloft during the third trimester of pregnancy. You really should have a discussion with the physician about taking this medication throughout the entire pregnancy. Is Zoloft all right to take while nursing? Substantial human data demonstrates minimal risk to an infant through lactation in patients taking Zoloft sertraline.

Zoloft is usually acceptable with breastfeeding. My doctor started me on Zoloft 50 mg to take for seven days and then changed to mg. I am on day five of the 50 mg. The problem that I am having is with my jaw. I do take some klonpin at night 0.

I wonder if I take in the morning Sam-e mg and at night klonopin 0. I only take digex nf only when my irritable bowel cranks up. I started on mg of Sam-e second day and I felt like awake or a little bit panic not much. Any Suggestion will be appreciated. I think mg of Sam-e is to much,because I also take mg of oil fish. Edward Wild at April 15, 1: I was taking mgs a day. I had a vague sense of a higher level of well being but also a vague sense of nausea.

Last night at 2 in the morning I woke up with the worst nausea and stomach cramping of my life. It's 12 hours later and I still feel sick, sick, sick.

I couldn't imagine continuing taking this based on how I have felt the last 12 hours. Andrea at May 4, 5: I had very strange nightmares and trouble sleeping for the first week or two. It also make me hyper sometimes. I think this builds in your system. When I am feeling that manic sensation I simply cut back to half a tablet per day or one every other day. I tried switching to a different brand that offered a pill, but it did not work and after a few wells, when the Jarrow had completely worn off, I was back to the sadness.

I believe that Sam e really works, it's too bad that doctors don't prescribe and monitor it here. You are on your own to work out dosage! Spellman at May 10, In the meantime I started mg. I have now the side effects of nausea, anxiety almost to the point of panic gas with stomach ache.

I decided to stop taking SAM-e so cut a mg. I also have been having insomnia. Today I wasn't going to take any more but had the anxiety, etc. Can anyone tell me how to get off of this gradually, as I feel you can't just stop taking it, as it seems to act like any other drug withdrawal. Thanks for any help.

Joan S at May 27, 9: I have to agree with that one! I have been taking SAM-e for years now, since whenever Newsweek put it on its cover. I take Nature Made, mg a day. It may have caused some side effects, but they are insignificant compared to the excruciating depression I used to have over many years. I do not have nightmares, but I do often suffer sleeplessness; I don't blame the SAM-e for it, though.

Maybe it has contributed to weight gain, I hadn't thought of that, but I am not sure if I have gained weight from that or from aging I am I would like to suggest, responding to some of the comments, that you take no more than mg a day, that you never take it at night because it is indeed a sort of an upper, and will keep you awake, and that you therefore take it in the morning.

Eat something within an hour or so later, so that it will not make you nauseous. I take SAM-e first thing along with my quinipril for bp, and then I have coffee and write in my journal. When the pill has had time to melt, I eat breakfast. I theorize that people who take it at night are not only sleepless but also nauseous in the morning because they have no food for many hours after taking the SAM-e; avoid that. Contrary to one person saying it is a "no no" to drink alcohol with SAM-e, I have never heard that or seen it in print anywhere else.

Furthermore, when I first found out about SAM-e, I read that it is given in either Germany or Italy to help liver function, and I believe it is that capability of the medicine that causes almost no after effects from drinking wine for me. I don't drink whiskeys, so I can't say whether it would help with avoiding hangovers for heavy drinkers. There is always someone telling you not to have your wine with dinner when on this or that meds, just because they are against all alcohol, I believe.

Ignore that unless you have serious issues obviously. Katie at July 9, 4: It does enhances mood and can very addictive. It took me 2 weeks after I could withdrawal from it. If you suffer from sever depression then you might need since it has fewer side effect than antidepressant medications. I would recommend starting with mg and work your way up to mg.

Lower dosage is recommended to avoid side effects. Currently, I've replaced Sam-e with the following supplements: Nature's made is the best. Cq10, mg 4. Vitamin E mg 7. Swimming is really good. Easy on joints and has tremendous results on mood.

Other supplements that I heard of but did not try: Saint john's wort's don't combine with Sam-e 2. Esp the Fish Oil.

I can feel bad mood coming back once I run out. These supplements are really good and no side effects at all. It takes about a month to see really good results.

These supplements are not recommended if you're already taking anti depressants esp. Mohamad Fadhil at July 10, I am going to cut out the SAMe I have been taking daily mg. I do not represent any pharmaceuticals company. However, I am shocked by the people here who negate the comments of those who have had difficult experiences with SAMe.

We are all different, and our bodies have differing responses. We need to keep each other informed. Thanks for this forum. Was using the Jarrow brand. I experienced extreme anxiety, racing thoughts, insommnia, feeling very awake and 'wired' but not in a pleasant way, stomach cramps and gas.

Tried cutting the pills to 50mg doses but same reaction so after day 3 gave up with this product. Ended up throwing the box in the bin. Chris Walker at October 2, 4: I've had good success with Sam-e in battling SAD. In addition my mother who has dementia is taking it with good results in that if she is off Sam-e she becomes very depressed.

In fact my brother is also taking Sam-e with good results. It appears that its positive effects vs depression are evident throughout our family. I was surprised at some of the negative posts on this blog. Carol at October 12, Otherwise, i felt this was doing me no good up till the 6th day. Wow, i played golf yesterday and felt relaxed and confident. Beat my arch rivals- club champ and other. My family tree has history of mental illness and really not sure what route to take. I kinda thought it was normal to feel depressed but hide it.

Anyhow, i hope SAM-E works because im tired of faking it through life. Happy Holidays to all with many blessings. I actualy felt better when starting SAM-e I read the box directions. You have to take it on an empty stomach at least 30 mins before you eat something. Benefits are most likely evident after 7 to 14 days taking this medicine.

So far I have not felt better. I am calm and feel great. No I dont feel anything that you are all feeling. Its a mood supporter, not a sleep aid. Laura at February 10, 9: I was taking 1 pill and then upped to two pills and it still didn't seem to do anything. I raised my dose to 3 pills and was getting headaches often, but didn't connect the two.

Then more symptoms arrived and I thought I had the stomach flu for an entire week, but just realized it was the Sam-E causing extreme gas, belching, stomach ache, bad headache, shakiness and diarrhea. I cannot continue on this because the side affects are worse than the depression! My dose of mg was less than the max dose of mg, but be aware that side affects are very real.

Diane at February 26, 3: I took Sam E years ago with no side effects can't remember the brand. This time tried Herbs of Gold brand and I started feeling terrible. Not manic or grumpy, just the most awful, painful heartburn, nausea etc. It was so bad one night I thought I was having a heart attack.

I stopped taking it two days ago but still feel pretty bad, I hope it doesn't take too long to get back to normal. Vivien at March 12, 4: I started taking it after years of taking Paxil, which really has some nasty side effects. Sam E has helped tremendously to alleviate my depression. However, in the past year or so I started noticing some issues after buying a new box of the CVS brand.

They'd changed the packaging but I'd not considered they might have changed the formula. The sleep problems I'd had for years noticeably intensified. I went through the two boxes I'd bought, and when I'd finished, took a break from Sam E for the first time in years. I went back to another brand i'd used and found my pain disappeared within days really a shock to me, as I hadn't been taking the Sam E for the pains and didn't know it even had an effect on them.

Now, months later, I ran out and ordered some online, deciding to take a few days off and see what the effects would be. The day after my last dose, I slept better than I had in weeks. The past three nights I slept through the night with very little sedatives very unusual for me.

My anxiety level has reduced. BUT my pain is returning AND the reason I ended up on this site , I started feeling like I was sick- spacy, headache that's lasted 24 hours, exhausted, nauseated. It occurred to me that when I was tapering off Paxil, I also experienced flu-like symptoms. I don't know if it's Sam E withdrawal or not. My Sam E arrived in the mail today, and I took mg.

If my flu-like symptoms resolve today, I'm going to assume it's Sam E related. It really has helped me tremendously in the past. I think it may be time for me to cut it down to mg a day and see if it's enough to ward off the depression while allowing better sleep.

This includes Trazodone I take it for sleep , Melatonin, any kind of hormone, etc. AND if you have sleep problems, be aware that B vitamins can cause sleeplessness. I was taking a supplement that had B vitamins at night for a short time and found myself taking more and more sleep meds to try and sleep before I realized it was the B vitamins keeping me up.

Remember that B vitamins are sometimes sold as natural energy supplements. Notyrmma at September 3, 3: Recently I was skipping days when taking it and I think it triggered depression and anxiety again so I started on it regular again but it didn't work so I took a higher dose and made anxiety worse then I tried even worse so I went back to twice a day and felt a little better but I still have anxiety and now these speedy feelings.

I am taking a b complex as well and was wondering if anyone had any reccomondations. I hate to stop something that helped so perfectly for so long. Anything to help speedy feelings besides cal- mag. Am I readjusting to sam- e again?

Or can it just stop working? I thought if you were methylated it helps can you become over methylated from taking for too long? Shana at November 24, It helps me sleep at night I take it at night because it makes me super sleepy! I am sleeping soundly for the first time in years, however, my extremities shake a little and my heart feels like it is beating too fast sometimes. Also, when I feel anxious, I breath into the anxiety taking a deep breath and it calms down. But I do feel anxious, if that makes any sense at all.

Anyone else feel this way? I feel like I can handle the side effects just so I can sleep. One last thing, I am snippy more that usual, but I really make an effort to not be a jerk. I have kids, so I make an extra effort around them. I have a loving relationship with my kids that does not involve yelling, so I will stop this if I start to yell when they are around. Been taking mg same and upped to mg last couple of weeks.

Very anxious, depressed, no appetite Jittery, ears ringing, can't eat or drink water.. I'm stopping it today!! Doreen D at April 19, 2: I started with mg for a week and then went up to mg. J81 at July 19, It has also caused for me irregular heart beats and jitters. This is not for me. I already have trouble with insomnia and this only makes it worse. It is like I can't turn myself off. It was worth a try but unfortunately not what I should be taking.

Cyndi at August 27, 6: Almost immediately felt a big difference in my mood. I'm feeling young and fresh too as a result. I feel like I did 40 yrs ago when I was I've been taking half of a mg Sam e capsule twice a day.

If after several weeks of treatment, and if increased doses of the medication yield only partial symptomatic improvement, then augmentation can be used. Often the first augmentation strategy is to combine Depakote and lithium. If other medications are required, then the addition of the following are commonly prescribed: The anticonvulsant, Neurontin ,has been found to be ineffective as a mono-therapy, but it is often used as an augmenting agent, and is especially helpful in reducing anxiety.

Other choices include atypical antipsychotics, also known as SGAs. The treatment of childhood-onset bipolar disorder is beyond the scope of this CE course; however, a few brief comments will be made. At the outset, in must be acknowledged that there are not well established guidelines for diagnosing pre-adolescent bipolar disorder.

Mood instability is seen in many other disorders and some experts have commented that bipolar disorder in children is often misdiagnosed. When mania occurs in pre-pubertal children, it most commonly presents as a form of mixed mania with rapid cycling and marked irritability.

With adults, the general strategy is to begin treatment with one mood stabilizer and only later add additional medicines if they are needed. This is done with the intention of avoiding unnecessary side effects that occur when multiple drugs are prescribed. Obviously, there are compelling reasons for wanting to minimize side effects in children as well.

However, preliminary research has rather strongly indicated that most children suffering from mania ultimately end up taking two or more mood stabilizers this is required for most to effectively eliminate manic symptoms.

Thus, there currently is a trend to begin treatment with children using two mood stabilizers often this combination is Depakote and lithium. It is generally felt that the much higher success rate with two mood stabilizers outweighs the added side effects of using two drugs.

In addition, it is felt that the earlier a lid can be put on mania and its development, the better — to do so matters not only in regard to the current episode but may also have a positive effect on reducing the severity of future episodes. Rapid Cycling As mentioned above, rapid cycling generally is a period of time lasting anywhere from a few months to a year or year-and-a-half where there is a significant increase in the frequency and often severity of mood episodes. Three factors account for the majority of cases of rapid cycling: Thus, it is very important to determine whether any of these factors is present, and take appropriate action to ameliorate them.

Beyond these approaches, the following medication strategies have been found to be helpful. Preferred mood stabilizers include Lamictal, Depakote, and Tegretol. Atypical antipsychotic medications are also frequently prescribed. Finally, the most common mood symptoms seen in rapid cycling are depression or a combination of depression and irritability.

Unfortunately, antidepressants can contribute to cycle acceleration and rapid switches in mood. Thus, the use of antidepressants in rapid cycling is not indicated. Treatment-Resistant Mania For people that experience very severe mania that does not respond to more traditional treatments, there are a number of options. The antipsychotic medication clozapine brand name Clozaril has been found to be effective in some cases of treatment resistant mania. This drug has antipsychotic effects e.

It also is proving to be effective for treating not only mania but for relapse prevention. Unfortunately, Clozaril is plagued by numerous, significant side effects, some of which are potentially dangerous. ECT electro-convulsive therapy is a safe and highly effective treatment for severe mania. Electro-Convulsive Therapy ECT electro-convulsive therapy was developed in the late s and has experienced a checkered history. ECT involves the use of an electric current that is delivered by way of two electrodes placed on the frontal area of the skull.

The electrical current produces a grand mal seizure and there is evidence that the seizure is responsible for rapidly altering the chemistry of the brain. The changes in brain chemistry are remarkably similar to that seen as a result of psychiatric medication treatments, although such changes typically occur after only a few days and a few treatments, when medications generally require a number of weeks to yield such changes.

About 1 to 2 babies per babies born in the U. Serotonin syndrome SSRIs appear safer in overdose when compared with traditional antidepressants, such as the tricyclic antidepressants. This relative safety is supported both by case series and studies of deaths per numbers of prescriptions. The most commonly reported severe effect following SSRI overdose is serotonin syndrome ; serotonin toxicity is usually associated with very high overdoses or multiple drug ingestion.

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taking zoloft pristiq togetherCymbalta and Prozac have taking adverse reactions and warnings and precautions associated with treatment. However, the use of antidepressant augmentation for the treatment of Bipolar I is zoloft taking. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, even sharing your stories to see what zoloft are or have gone through, taking zoloft pristiq together. Unfortunately, antidepressants can contribute to cycle acceleration and rapid switches in mood. If you are concerned about breast cancer risk you may want to contact your health care provider. I did have the side affects of diarreha, wieght gain from to some complacency, almost no emotions and yes ejaculation issues. Zoloft sertraline is also a SSRI antidepressant. Any other reccomendations besides Lexapro? Mood change has occured but together not enough to balance out the side effects. If this is a new medication for you, often times the side effects will lessen and may together go away completely as your body gets more accustomed to the pristiq. But am worried a lot now. A healthy eating plan should also include lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs and nuts and be low in saturated fat, trans fat, taking zoloft pristiq together, cholesterol, sodium and added sugars. I call them pristiq as they sure seem like a plan from the devil to destroy our lives. Its very chicken and egg. What mg of Zoloft is equal to 10 mg of Prozac?

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