Strattera and Vyvanse are two types of drugs used to treat ADHD. meds similar to strattera While both are FDA-approved for ADHD, these prescription medications are not the same. These drugs work in distinct ways, and they carry separate risks of side effects. Learn the differences between Strattera and Vyvanse.

Like any medication, Strattera Intuniv, and Kapvay should always be taken exactly as prescribed. Strattera is usually taken once or twice a day and Kapvay is taken twice a day. Intuniv is a once-a-day drug. Your doctor will probably want you to check in periodically.

He or she may order some lab tests to make sure that the drug is working and not causing any problems. Antidepressants, however, are generally not as effective as stimulants or nonstimulants at improving attention span and concentration.

Antidepressants used for treating ADHD include the following: Tricyclic antidepressants, such as Pamelor, Aventyl, Tofranil and Norpramin, have been shown to be helpful in children and adults with ADHD, but they can cause some unpleasant side effects, such as dry mouth , constipation , or urinary problems. They are also relatively inexpensive. Wellbutrin is a different type of antidepressant that is very effective in treating ADHD in adults and children.

It is generally well-tolerated, but it also has some side effects that may be a problem for some people who have anxiety or seizures. Effexor and Effexor XR are newer antidepressants that increase the levels of norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain.

The drugs are effective at improving mood and concentration in adults as well as children and teens. Effexor can be used to treat ADHD, but not commonly. Antidepressants are particularly useful for people who suffer from both ADHD and depression. Commonly prescribed blood pressure medications include guanfacine and clonidine. These medications tend to work better for reducing symptoms of aggression, hyperactivity and impulsivity but may not be as useful for reducing symptoms of inattention.

Non-Medication Options For those wanting to avoid medications completely, cognitive behavioral counseling educates patients about the disorder and works with them to change their thought and behavior patterns. Family counseling, school counseling and support groups also prove beneficial in many cases.

Making dietary changes can also help in some situations. These dietary changes include avoiding foods with potential allergens such as eggs, wheat, chocolate, milk and those containing salicylates, artificial colorings and chemical additives. Increasing the intake of foods containing omega-3 fatty acids may also help, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

It's possible that some herbal supplements, including ginko, ginseng, hypericum, zinc or fatty acid compounds, may also help. However, those wanting to use herbal supplements should always consult a doctor before doing so.

Some of these supplements may produce dangerous or unwelcome side effects.

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